Just some memories I want to put down in no particular order, just as they come to me. Gotta do it before I forget them. Even got some non-memory type stuff too. Poke around & enjoy my muddled musings and, if you have time, post a comment so I'll see what you think of the place. Enjoy Yourself!
Found this little clip and really like the message as it closely mirrors the way I was taught. At times I slip into being thoughtless and inconsiderate, at times it seems all in vain, at times it seems like the problems of myself or others are just too huge to tackle, but somehow we always seem to plod along and try to stay positive until either success is achieved or failure is thrust upon us. The key is to learn from your failures, look for a way to overcome obstacles, and just keep trying until you succeed. Failure isn't final in most cases, it's merely an indication that a different approach to the problem is needed.
The following quote was drilled into me daily by my Uncle 'R' who always seemed to me to be a 'tractor driving philosopher'. Plenty of time to think, unless he was listening to a Red Sox game on the car radio he mounted on the old Farmall.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Reinhold Niebuhr
Autumn in Maine
Until next time, be well, stay safe, and share your smile with others, smiles are VERY contagious.
Reminds me of an old Navy saying, back when they had iron men & wooden ships: "Lord give me the strength to accept what I cannot change, to change what I can change, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those who piss me off!" :) The picture of the Farmall is exactly the same tractor my Dad used on the farm in So. Dak. We had an H & an M Farmall, both with the wide front end option. Good subject & video. THANKS
Great stuff to remember. What a gift to have had a wise philosopher around as you grew. Thanks for the updates from the post before this, too. Enjoy saddling up more on the blog whenever you can. :o)
God grant me the serenity to except only the best from Mike's liquor cabinet, the courage to resist the cheap stuff, and the wisdom to know the difference, even though he switches the labels..:-D
Note to R.C.: No need to worry, Bro Tim's renegade ferret Roscoe came back to Maine for red hot dogs & cleaned out the entire cabinet. He left some Missouri River h2o in it's place;(
Your photo is amazing. Not a breeze to ruffle your feathers. The colors are just awesome.
This video was certainly something to motivate me for the week. Right now, just starting to drive again is killing me but I'll keep trying.
Reminds me of an old Navy saying, back when they had iron men & wooden ships:
"Lord give me the strength to accept what I cannot change, to change what I can change, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those who piss me off!" :)
The picture of the Farmall is exactly the same tractor my Dad used on the farm in So. Dak. We had an H & an M Farmall, both with the wide front end option.
Good subject & video. THANKS
These photo's are amazing Mike. I love the colors out in Maine.. they are beautiful here but not as so there I think.. Hope all is well.
Great stuff to remember. What a gift to have had a wise philosopher around as you grew. Thanks for the updates from the post before this, too. Enjoy saddling up more on the blog whenever you can. :o)
God grant me the serenity to except only the best from Mike's liquor cabinet, the courage to resist the cheap stuff, and the wisdom to know the difference, even though he switches the labels..:-D
Thanks for your comments everyone;)
Note to R.C.: No need to worry, Bro Tim's renegade ferret Roscoe came back to Maine for red hot dogs & cleaned out the entire cabinet. He left some Missouri River h2o in it's place;(
Ahhhh, the Serenity Prayer, Miss Hallie's favorite. She has it posted on the wall in a coupla places around The Compound.
I wondered why Roscoe asked me for those plastic water jugs before he headed up your way. :) Try servin' it 'on da rocks'. ;)
Bro Tim....when I think of rocks & Roscoe all I can think of is prison stripes;)
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