......I do like some things. Never sure what's good or bad, so I tend to go with what I enjoy. I will go so far as to say that most 'abstract' creations are beyond my comprehension, although the melting watches is kinda neat. Anyway, having spent a good part of this winter looking at various paintings, photos, etc I seem to have narrowed my taste down to one word: 'Strange'. As evidence here is a jumble of stuff I like in no particular order, although, the first is a $3 thing that I got years ago at a garage sale that just appealed to me. It's on our living room wall, much to the dismay of Mrs Mike, who is far less fond of it. I can just look at it for a long time & it seems to draw me into the scene. Not even sure if it's a painting, print, or whatever. Does have a name on it & seems to have a backing of wallpaper or something of the like. I feel I've gotten my $3 worth out of it many times over. Anyway, here's Mike's hodge-podge of favorite images, some actually ARE famous, so I'm told or I read somewhere.

Gauguin (don't know title)
Claude Monet - Water Lily Pool
Entrance to the Village of Voisin - Pissarro
A Little 'BEERY' Poster Art for my Great Friend R.C.

Mike's $3 Garage Sale Refugee

$3 Refugee as seen from Mike's recliner

Edvard Munch - The Scream

Japanese Fishing Village (unknown)

Times Square Looking South (A. Anderson)

Santa's Summer Job - B. Foge
Maine (Kolb)
Taxi Hunter (A. Anderson)

And Lastly....My FAVORITE of ALL....Christina's World by A. Wyeth
And that's a fair sampling of what I like. Perhaps I'll try this again with photos as it turned out to be kinda fun. Until next time, take care.