Photo: Mosquito Mountain and Moxie Lake in the morning in the fall.
Hi Y'All, I'm easing my way back into the old routines with a new perspective and appreciation for everything and everyone. To paraphrase an old quote, 'an old friend dying concentrates the mind wonderfully', and the recent absence was primarily the result of my trying to absorb the reality of the sudden death of a number of longtime friends and colleagues in a very short span of time. The numbers matter not, but having felt as though I was being, in my own selfish thoughts, subjected to a daily series of body blows, I found myself, for one of the very few times in my life, unable to function properly. It was rather much like a fog had settled in my mind and was growing denser every day. Not a great description, but words are inadequate to describe the empty feeling I allowed to settle within my deepest being. I don't say this for sympathy, just to let you know a bit of the reason I left so abruptly. But, I'm happy to say, I'm pretty much back to being my absentminded, short attention span, and constantly contemplating the next meal, self of old. Although I do have a whole new determination not to waste any more of the time allotted me, and to daily remind all that I love and care for each and every one. Well, maybe some more than others, but I'm trying!!
As I write this at 0625, it's 36.5F\2.5C and the sun just woke up. Another great day of testing my new attitude and my recently regained eyesight. The fall quilt of colors is starting to appear and the pumpkin and apple harvests are in full swing. The place is ready for almost anything that may befall us, short of a major disaster. Other than the car being due for its yearly State Inspection, all is fairly well with the world as I know it. For some reason, even political discussions have taken on a newer, less demanding nature. Just throw the bums out!! All of them, every last elected official, whether deserved or not. A new broom sweeps clean, time to start over. Maybe, since most of us hold our moms in such high regard, we should turn the whole place over to the women. We've had our go and blew it in my view.
Well, enough of that, not going to let a beautiful, sunny day be ruined by anything. Life is too short and precious to waste. A short nap for energy, then off to explore and enjoy nature's gift of autumn. One of my four favorite seasons. Until next we meet here, take care and savor every minute as if it were your last.